They say discipline is good
Learning a new skill is always a hassle
I did it once
It proved to be good
Just keep on doing it
and in a few years, you'll succeed.
but how to keep it going?
Every morning I brush my teeth
In fact, that's the first thing I do.
I don't even need to think about it
I have done it so many times that
It has become mechanical
Is that the secret to maximizing your body's ability?
How do you develop good study habits?
How do you live or eat healthy?
How do you overcome laziness?
How do you achieve your goals?
It's by being consistent.
But the world is not quantized.
There is no real constant
The unforeseen sometimes happens
Q: So how to be consistent?
A: Be consistently inconsistent.
Plan for the unforeseen.
Have a plan
Be creative
But stick to your plan as much as you can
My body has two strengths.
Mechanical and Creative
With that, I can achieve anything
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