5 Tips for getting work done


1. Make a plan
So, my little experience as a student so far has taught me that nothing can be done without a plan of action.

In my engineering design class, we called it a critical path management. Others may call it a task list. In other words, have to know what steps you are going to take in order to get the result expected(work to be done).

You can record yourself saying it, write it down or simply have it in your mind. You but you must have it (the plan).

2. Draw a Timetable
Take your task list and allocate a given time spaces for each task.

Timetables can span over days, weeks or any amount of time needed.

This helps you to track your speed. To know if you are spending too much time on details that may not be very significant or to see if you are still going to achieve the task in the required time.

In a nutshell, time is key.

3. Be Self-motivated
Motivation is also key because without it you can't progress even with an elaborate plan and timetable.

The result of lack of motivation is laziness. Some people are used to being pushed or to work under pressure. But this may not always be there.

You must find your own source of motivation. As a tip remind yourself of how important it is for you to do this work.

4. Ask for help
We can always use some help. Someone may have a better, quicker or more efficient way of approaching a given problem.

Sometimes a blockage may cause huge wastes of time while seeking advice can give us great insight and break-through.

5. Track your progress
Last, of all, track your progress. Ironically this is not a step that is done at any one time but rather continuously until the job is done.

The benefit of tracking your progress enables you to know if everything is going on as planned.

It also acts as a motivating factor because you are constantly challenging your ideas and plan.

And there you have it some 5 things look out for in order to increase your productivity and get the work done effectively.


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